I cannot bear to lose it.
The water flows so gently
Ever so gently over and between the rocks.
The majestic Farmington
Able to drown and kill hundreds of people
Scourge of the 1950s, frightening in the 2200s
Capable even today of a sudden snap and break
Of a simple antique bridge, built to last forever.
Running gently, smoothly past my chair in the shade of a tree
Masked face, distanced friend
That mighty threatening stream of sparkling water
With hopeful anglers casting lines
Hoping to waylay a single beautiful trout
Swimming fleetingly between the rocks,
Hiding in the shade…
Only to be caught and held by soft calloused hands,
As the gentle angler removes the sharp barb and sets it free.
It is not a victim of a brutal end, killed for sport and thrown thoughtfully to one side.
This mighty giant Farmington River raging through the countryside
Has restored itself
Returned to rest peacefully, flowing from town to town
Until it meets its better larger master and is carried out to sea.
Oh, that our nation will survive the flood of hate that permeates the land,
Learn from the river
Let the anger and greed subside.
Then we will live peacefully once more.